bitchin' blog
so after a lazy I ain't cookin' dinner of tea and apple pie and a game of dirty word scrabble the kids decide to show off their coolness. ok it was like totally insane... the big boy is in his room screaming at the TOP of his lungs kicking the door and the wall yelling "You think I'm a bitchhhh!!!" and the baby is following me around the kitchen screetching at the top of her baby lungs"WAAAAAHHHH!!!" wow it was like a fuckin' birth control commercial. "so folks unless your prepared to rock it all night long like this lucky lady, take a pill, wrap it up, pull it out or just say no thanks. jeeze i really could go momentarily insane, " somebody please go in their and calm him down I think I might crush him aaarrgghghh. his is my first born. I remember holding him so close when he was newborn and whispering in his sweet little ear " i could never yell at you or get mad" bbbbaaahhh hahah hahhaaa hhaaa shit i'm gonna piss myself, going insane never felt so good...